time to spin
and she is now more than 7 months old, still cant sit nor does she plans to rollover , she is content as she is when laying down facing up or facing down, not bothered to change her position unless she wants to. So let her enjoy the time as much as she wants of doing nothing , for later in life she will have lots and lots to do but for now she can just relax.
its amazing how fast all this time is going away, when i look at her pictures of each month i see the difference in her growth that otherwise i cannot see, i see the growth of hair more than anything else in those pictures if placed side by side. the most innocent expressions i have ever seen and yet in the past few months a light has been illuminated behind her eyes promising that she would be one extremly mischvious kid (as her father was, mother too but intensity level was lower by a mile).
and at times i feel the time is going too fast and i will miss her stage by being in office or working or not paying attention to her and later i will lament all i want but this time would not come back .
i think if i rotate on the ani clockwise very fast i can counter the moving of earth and slow time down, but like if i am the one spinning , how would i benefit from the slowed time ??