Monday, September 17, 2007

of HDDs

so a few weeks ago i was having harddisk crisis, my extrnal one got dropped, my laptops harddisk crashed and revived it using spinrite, incredible software that one . so far my laptops harddisk has crashed 3 times , 2 out of 3 were currpted sectors, thanks to spinrite its still working.

So finaly today the replacement harddisk for the lappy is here, now i need to reinstall windows and transfer all the data.

My external harddive would be back after a week more, just hope the data survives the trip.

and they just delivered this 60gb harddisk for my lappy, now i have to install everythingy on it. will do so in an hours time


Anonymous said...

Gud luck...

mE said...

oh i hate fresh installations and transfering data, you always miss some file that you required later on.
and now this outlook is giving me headache , just wont budge

hemlock said...

someone should report your blog.

Anonymous said...

on the other hand i just love transferring data before i loose em :P