Monday, March 12, 2007


a glorious monday again hath come............... NOT

like being in office after one week of absence, and that too on a freaking monday to be greated by a customer meeting , waiting for you, damn it sucks to be mE right now

times funny, right now im just regretting this small meeting , when in 2 days im gonna be sitting in a steering committe meeting where the last time when we came out , the region manager turned to mE in the post meeting sitting and said " You , i want to kill"...

just last week, my short term goal was to stay awake during the training and nod on the appropriate places. the medium long goal was how what to do after the training, and the only long term goal was to get some sleep at night,

one lesson i learned from last week is that snow boarding hurts, just not the falling, but like the snow baords like heavy to drag with your feet, and going uphill while draging it , somewhere i think i dropped my foot , i later found it still attached when it became a bit warm.

So like apparently there are two stances you can take while snow boarding , Goofy and Standard, Goofy being when you have your right foot infront and standard means left. I apparrently was not doing too well with the standard stance ( brakes seemed to be failed ), so i took my friends goofy board ( like boards for both are different), so i go up, buclke myself into ti, and start goig down, half way down, my left foot decides it wants to come in front , and then the next thing i knew was that i was looking at the ceiling for some reason, they do have nice paint on it though.

8pm, what a screwup of a day, after initial meeting with customer, there was another meeting planned at 4pm with the high managment, and they buchered us out there, like i have no ducking idea what my team has been doing when i was gone the past one week, and i have noooooooooooooo hint why the heck did they change the project plan that i submitted , as in whole redesign on numbers not just dates and im there sitting defending a screwup of a plan i dont half recognize, and half the things my manager dont know or dont understand and has made commitments on them, like hellooooo please give me a call and just tell me this im gonna do, how hard is that ? youve been bugging mE on little matters throughout anyway, not like you dont know my number of anythingy

9pm, and i was looking for a nice runaway time,

Its raining outside and i can hear the drops falling, each drop falling on pavement and trees outside has a certain charm to it , i can see semi visible drops in the street light , its like as if the sound is calling out to me to be free but im stuck here.

10pm : Ok its enough for now , i be go home ,


Anonymous said...

Rain gave a me a cold. But I love rain too:)Then it becomes depressing. Then I crib and wait for sunshine.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have moved! laters.

Anonymous said...

u write so lovely!...rain sighhh

mE said...

yup rain, in which life itself pours down from heavens onto earth

You converted goras have lost the essence of life itself, "depressing weather" damn