Friday, February 08, 2008


1- count = 1 ,
2- breath in
3- breath out
4- and then breath in ,
5- increment count ,
6- If count <10
7- Go to 2
8- Else
9- If Temper > 1
10a- Scream
10b- Go to 1
11- Else
12- Smile


hemlock said...

only an engineer could have come up with this post.
by far one of your best.

Anonymous said...

so u lost me after half ur post *sigh*

mE said...

i thought the algorithm was self evident, "how to control temper"

Anonymous said...

u jst remind me of how me n ma cousin screwed up our 3 yrs old cousin....
we told her inhale means breathout n exhale means breathin....
n she actually believed us lollll