Thursday, February 21, 2008

a tag

so she has been bugging mE to get this tag done even though she hasnt done the one i tagged her for but here goes

OK here goes

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages)

Chainfire - Terry Goodkind ( Sword of Truth - Book 9)

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the next three sentences.

1- "No need to wispher," he said. "See how the walls turn at all those angles? It cuts the echo."
2- she was little surprised to hear that he was right Usually, the echo in the stone rooms was annoying, but this odd twisting room had a hush of the dead.
3 " There is something strangely familiar about this place"

5. Tag five people.

I tag , Fatimah, No one , Fairy Dust , Tanzilla and Mysh.


hemlock said...

you know it's rude to call people "she"

mE said...

you mean you preffer being called a "he" ?????

hemlock said...

if you were being funny, it wasnt.
i have an isme-girami you know.