Monday, March 17, 2008

movings and settings

so like , moving and setting up is too much of a headache , there are million little things which need to be corrected, all last week i have washed floors, washed all light shades, scrubbed washrooms, done electric wiring , changed light bulbs, cleaned dishes , so far i havent cooked as the stove has a leak somewhere which i need to find still.

so finally i have got my stuff in the apartment, on monday i took all the stuff from Lahore and by monday night everythingy was dummped. That night at 11am the curtains were tired to be put up, as in an interm solution was found to hand the short ones so that there is some privacy achived, the two rooms were washed and the carpeting was done, by 3am was too tired to do anythingy more so threw the sofa cum bed and slept rather tried to sleep

so the mosquitos and the lights coming form the windows with half covered curtains and the noise from outside all contributed in depriving me a peaceful sleep, next morning was meetings at 9am and then i came back around 6pm and again started working on setting up the place. so next 2 days were spent in either changing lights, washing lights, washing floors, tracing wiring, then buying a fridge and a microwave, installing the tv, putting up all wiring for the sound system and xbox 360, and then finally after 3 nights i was in a position to bring in the sofa sets for the lounge.

so finally now that the lounge has been more or less setup is that the shape or the apartment is coming out nicely , even though alot of boxes are still lying around , i need to assmble the book shelves and then arrange all theb ooks , my bed room is still a mess, need to buy a bedset also, have to take out all clothes and arrange them in the cabinets in the rooms, see to the stove, but stil a milestone has been achived when you can relax and sit and watch the tv at the end of the day.

and the traveling is still not over, if im in Pakistan next week i can hope to accomplish more , btw, Hemlock still dosent like my sofas.


Anonymous said...

I ain't feeling the sofas either...but it totally looks like a bachelor pad...nice going mE...stay safe...peace

Anonymous said...

i dun liek the sofas either mE, so whats with u and brown anyway
nice apartment tho

PS: are u goin to break ur neck watching tevee :P

hemlock said...

im so sorry for spoiling your sofas for you... i'd hate it if someone made such a comment about my apartment :( :( :(
but the sofas are just... not something i would... or could ever relate to.
but then again, maybe with more mood lighting, the whole ambiance will change and also that if we saw them in like, 3D, they would be nicer... or somethingY...
i is sorry. :(

Anonymous said...

i dislike the material of the sofa actually, but kahir hey...ur test is still better than many single guys i know....belated mubarakbaad on new appartment

Anonymous said...

* taste not test