Monday, April 07, 2008


for the first time in all my traveling , my luagage didnt arrive

to think someone would have such a black tounge when you do a little effort to meet them on transit , sigh


hemlock said...

it doesnt matter really, that your luggage didnt arrive, as long as you didnt have to wear brown shoes with a grey suit. that would really be bad then :D

mE said...

yea imagine my other shirts were also in laundry and socks, so it was a grey suit , blue shirt black socks and brown shoes ,

hemlock said...

god dang!
did you take a picture?

i think im dying laughing here... how the HELL did you explain yourself to the bosS? couldnt you just have worn your burble kurta? or the bink one?

hemlock said...

you know it's 5 minutes past, and i still cant stop laughing :)
hebejebus christ!

Anonymous said...

suppp mE...tahh