i m begining to hate traveling , its seriously hurting mE now
Yesterday left Islamabad at 6pm
Reached Lahore at 10 pm
Met relatives then went out with friends for dinner , left hotel 1am,
reached Airport 2:15am,
Flight delayed by 30 mins, departure Lahore 4am.
Reached Dubai 6:45am local time
In Transit Lounge 7:15am
Flight from Dubai 2pm
delayed by 45 mins, departed 2:45pm
reached Amman 3:45pm local time
Out of immigration 4:50pm
Reached hotel 5:50pm
checked in - 6:25pm
damn, dont like this transit thingy , why cant we teleport
teleporting would be harder for your molecules... you would age a million years in one.
no your confusing time travel to teleporting , teleporting is just taking apart the molecules and then transmitting them over a data medium to a reciever, the remolecularizer takes the molecule data and builds them up according to the orignal data, there are going to be parity checks and error corrections to make sure that orignal data is not corrupted in recontruction
actually, in the physical sense, when your cells will be taken apart and put back together, there will be too much wear and tear. i did not mean time travel, i mean teleportation.
human bodies aint fit for it.
thts why reconstruction is important , the "remolucouraizer" will be responsible for anti-premature aging pehnominon cancelation as well.
if you cancel the anti-premature aging phenomenon, you are only left with premature aging phenomenon... therefore remolecularization wont be good for naught
but then the molecularization would be doing the same functionality at the transmitters side
maybe at the other end, one would get assembled all wrong? into soemthing or someone else, i mean error checking cant be fool proof always...
well nothingy is fool proof is it ? like air travel has its own perils
Ahh, wrong people on wrong job :s
Hire me :)
hire you for what ? traveling in my place and somehow i magically appear at the destination ?
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