Wednesday, January 21, 2009

dead as dead can be

even with wanting to do stuff one dont get to do it , but in my case i dont get to do it because i dont feel like doing things.

I believe i have gone lazier since i got married, as usual closing year and new year constitutes tough working days.

On top of it i Finlay got around my reluctance to study and had gotten a date for my pmp exam, which was supposed to be this coming Monday, so tough working days and then tougher studying after all this time plus i was never one to memorize stuff, thus my history of scoring low in all subjects which require lessons to be memorized and written as is.

So all in all i was progressing at a pace which i believe i would have made it for the exam prep in time when work went on exponential curve and then the home problems started occurring. Not domestic but water and gas and security issues. so we decided to shift home and move.

So in all the late night workings i decided to move my exam another week, so right now its scheduled for 2nd of feb.

We shifted like 3 days ago, Saturday to be precise and the house is slowly coming around. work has gone slow again.

We kidnapped a small young blue parrot from my wife's father who currently sits in a cage in our lounge in front of the radiator. When the radiator is off the poor thing starts shivering. Not adjusting to weather here , supposed to be from some other country. Last 2 days ive been trying to get it used to my hands and it has started eating oranges from my hand and sun flower seeds. Last night it didnt run away from my finger touching it not did it try to snap at it , so i believe we are making good progress.

so to get back to the point where i started this post , being lazy has definitely been my signature quality among siblings since early age but now a days i feel more inclined not to do anythingy. Low motivation on work front has also arise and on personal note , i dont feel like having sheesha anymore either, yes that is a big thingy.

on giving this post another look i see there is not much of a centralized theme to it or a point. So i would end this here now.

i guess what it signifies is that this Blog is not yet truly dead, coma perhaps

(cold and catatonic.......... )

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