ok so, damn , im screwed
yea , another of the oh duck, im being killed by work post. then i say screw that lets talk about reforming my country.
there is a need to like cleanse my country, all politicians and molvis need to be placed before the firing squad. let there be martial law by an organization not a person, and mass execution of all the current leaders and all the molvis. and then lets rebuild from there.
i think i like the clouds on the clear blue sky above the green trees which i can see from my window right now. buildings just ruin this view, there is a need to pull down all the towers of cell phone companies and to give the skyline some beauty
i swear , if we had twin towers here in Lahore and some suicide terrorists tried to crash the plane into those twin towers they would have failed miserably, like they would be hanging by RF heads of Moblink or Ufone or Warid or Telenor and even if they somehow managed to evade all those towers they would be caught up in the data towers of broadband companies or even if they evade those as well there are radio towers, "app ka apna FM WAN hAnDarad"
and then the other thingy is that since the molvis of Lal Masjid have declared a jihad on gov and Army , (subhan Allah waisey, Jihad against Muslims), thus its a common understanding that we can grow beards and cut our shalwars from above the ankles take a gas mask and an AK47 and rob a bank, but mind you NO pvt bank is allowed, you can only rob National Bank of Pakistan. and yes if your short on ammunition you can always go and beat up a Ranger and take his Gun.
i like enlightened moderation, saves cloth. our industries can now export more cloth since only little is required to supply the laddies here.
and ways to get high should be legallized like holand , we have more quantity of these drugs running aorund than holand can ever dare to imagine. Our tourist industry might flourish this way, and like the ppl would be more easier to handle , like docile. our youth wont have to hide their habbits from their elders and will be socially accepted.
i need to go back to another conference call and then few more meeting before i take out my gun and go on a shooting randomness.
so true....
but the thing is how many will u shoot....ppl are born every day...
i so agree abt enlightened moderation ..... but thats how v translate it :p we public....the President keeps telling its abt education and enlightening ourself, modernization in means of knowledge and expertise...but media ofourse translates it as going bonkers in vulgarity...God bless us all
its high time you changed your theme...tahh
It is a wonderful game, to entertain the poor. The homeless. Rains have uprooted us and our indifferece will be the ned of us.
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