Thursday, August 23, 2007

tense nights

so like the night before last i was up in tension, i slept at 3 and after every few minutes i would wake up because of the tension that i had.

and you might ask me what was bothering me, well i was tense because i had to wake up early in the morning and get to a 10am meeting.... and the prospect of waking up early kept me awake all night in delusional sleep

so like there is another fear in my list now, fear of waking up early morning


Anonymous said...

i know...aghhh dat always happens with me...whenever i hve to get up early i try sleeping at a sensible time and end up stayin up the entire darn nite....AGHHH

Unknown said...

Haha thats cute . That happens to me too :$

mE said...

yea scary , i think i need to jolt down my fears and see how many they are

and welcome to the blog zunaira, my little cute fav niece's name is zunairah,

Anonymous said...

you're weird and dead on my list.
where are you?