Friday, January 25, 2008


Weeks Recap. High Level summary

Sunday night:
Sleep at 3am,
Woke up at 6am
Flight to Isb at 8am

Monday night:
Sleep at 2am ,
Woke up at 6am,
Flight to Khi at 8am

Tuesday night:
Flight at 10:30pm to Dubai
Reached hotel 4am ,
Woke up 8:20 am, meeting at 8:30, reaching at 9

Wednesday night:
Watched "The Golden Compass with Friends", Movie ended 2am
Sleep at 3am, woke up at 9am, meeting at 9:30

Thursday night:
Flight at 1am
Reached Khi at 4:30 am
Out of Immigration and Baggage claim , 5;30 am,
Flight to Lahore , 8am. Check-in at 6am,

Friday Morning:
Reached Lahore at 10:10am
Reached Home 11:15am
Juma prayers 1:30pm
Lunch with friends , 2pm
In office 3:15pm

I soo am gonna run away and go home and sleep


hemlock said...

and your point is?
you couldve skipped that lunch you know.

Anonymous said...

whats your job title!! why do you get to travel so much!!! tahh

mE said...

hem, the lunch was with good friends, sleep is trivial as compared to friends

no one, i work in telecom, project manager, basicaly when anythingy goes wrong , im to be blamed

*Dulce* said... need a slow motion button

Sky High said...

Have fun with your travels. Document them effectively. That's all you'll have.

Anonymous said...

oh wow u hve been busy man....
how was the movie...heard its not all that impressive...

mE said...

moive was pretty good considering it followed the book properly. LIke its just a fast forward recount of the whole moive

lets see what they do with book 2 and 3

M said...

Oh, well u visited ths tiny city full of cars, did u?? well.. jus wish i knew abt it, wud have bribed ur driver to drive down to emi. road up miles behind d arabian ranches in the middle of nyt. n leav eu stranded over there wid a sleeping bag.

Tht way u cud atleast ctach up to sum sleep :p

Do inform d next tym u visit us.:p

Oh yea, i wud ask him to nick ur cellfone too.