Friday, May 25, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
So far , too bad. An extremly worse start of a day where nothingy seems to be going fine work wise. Total chaos so far. I need a break , a long one, not just a weekend , that wont be enough to sustain me for long.
im lost these days, i dont know what im doing , work is just a distraction which keeps me occupied from totaly screwing up my brain. i have no idea what im aiming for right now, i started preparing for giving my PMP next month, have not been studying lately, i guess i would have to postpone the exam now, i wont be ready in 7 days in anycase.
the customer front if killing me as well, im in a meeting every day now for hours, yesterday after attending another 3 hours one, i came to office worked a little and called it a day and went home at 5 and slept , woke up at 8 to find 8 texts and 20 missed calls, and then i slept again rather forced myself to sleep at 12, closed the eyes and tried to atleast.
and im once again having dreams these nights, its been long since i have stopped remembering my dreams, as in what was in the dream but i remember what the dream made me feel. past few nights its all confusion, like the dreams dont make sense, i have had some which left me scared or happy or sad, but confused is new. something just dont make sense. Half the time i wake up disoriented as to where i am and all that and it takes me time to really come to terms with surroundings. Its pretty discomforting a feeling to have, specially right after waking up.
The waking up usually happen at odd times throughout the night, and then after a while i drift again in another tired sleep, only to wake up again a while later. Last night i woke up 5 times in a period of 10 mins , each time it felt as if i was asleep for hours, only when i saw the clock on the wall was when it was revealed that its just few mins from the last time i sat up.
its almost 3 now, ive been writing this post over the past 4 hours, in the middle or work now and then, have another meeting in an hours time. i dont think i have anything else to write more about at the moment , so i will close this post at this time, let me check where be my lunch
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Labels: bakwas
Monday, May 21, 2007
tag - 3 things
A tag from fairydust....
three things that scare me:
1- large water bodies (mostly lakes)
2- Confounded spaces
3- first encounters with beings or events not explainable by logic ( yes i have had a few)
three people who make me laugh:
1- him
2- her
3- it
three things i love:
1- Night Rain
2- mE
3- Sleeping
three things i hate:
1- not finishing your thought when you start saying it
2- waking up early morning
3- not having my privacy over long periods of time
three things i don’t understand:
1- A theory of spatial structure in ecological communities
2- myself
3- mind games
three things on my desk:
1- mouse
2- laptop
3- papers
three things i am doing right now:
1- making a presentation
2- thinking why cant it be just 1 thingy tag, 3 are hard
3- wondering what to write here
three things i want to do before i die:
i give you ten
three things i can do:
1- smile with a intense hate in my eyes
2- laugh when things go wrong
3- wait
three things you should listen to:
1- rain
2- a little voice inside you telling you to play now work later
2- battle hymns
three things i’d like to learn:
1- japanese
2- how to tell a perfect lie
3- to control my fears
three favourite foods:
1- nehari
2- biryani
3- haleem
three tv shows/books i read as a child:
1- all enid blyton
2- Qaida
3- paharey ( tables )
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
no one can save me
so after all this time my inbox is looking a bit better
so i replied back that there is a scheduled power outage in office till 2 so please confirm the time of meeting , "meeting is at 2:30" was the reply.
so instead of going to the other office and get it crowded wheneve there is a power outage this long, i decided to wok fom home till 2 and then go to the meeting and all,
so at 2 i get a call from my manager, where are you , i say im in home and will come as soon asthe light is there, and he is like, im in office when you come we can both go to customer, and this is when i get my first mental shock " meeting is at customers office? " (translation : "damn, the meeting is with the customer??? not internal"), "yes"
before that i was thinking of wearing jeans and a tshirt to office case it would be a small day and then i got ot of the bed, huriedto my wardrobe to seach for anythingy formal looking cause i know i had given all the rest stuff in laundry just the day before, got ready and reached the customer office by 2:40,
so the meeting started, and i hurridly put up a few slides, project plan and then the "session" started, with in front of the firing squad presenting a project plan which was not complete, which i had taken few things out just a moment ago as they were internal things and that also messed it up a bit,
repeatidly trying to CMA (cover my anatomy), doge commitments, and juggle responsibilities and tying to get other ppl in the meeting to focus there attention on somethingy else other than me (which was a bit difficult as i was the only one presenting ) , the damed meeting , the KICK-mE session lasted 5 -1/2 hours, i kid you not ,
i didnt had any lunch cause normal lunch time is 2;30 for me or late, but due to meeting had to rush, breakfast i normally dont do, and all that time first i was dying of hunger , and then the hunger died ,
and then i had many action items to take to my team back in office , so around 8:15pm, i reached office and then we had the internal session where i explained what we need to accomplish in coming days and they should kiss their sleep and social lie good bye
then since i was hungry, i called up the person who was to bring in lunch today and asked him
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Labels: bakwas
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
save mE
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Labels: bakwas
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
like when i was little i was playing marbles with some friends , i never knew how to play real marbles, they were just small shiny unbreakable glass balls which i would throw down the stairs and they would bounce down on each step and i would smile in glee and no matter how many times i would need to go down and climb back up to throw them again, i would not get tired
somewhere down the road and growing up a bit , i lost my marbles...
with my marbles gone, the drive to run back up again to try once more also was misplaced, and it never occured to me that missing marlbes is not a good thingy, it might be that i thought my marbles dont count in the long run, or that i never saw anyone with marlbes around me after a certain age, perhaps marbles were just a thing of the past and all things come to end so that was the end of my marbles for then
but as life progressed, entering my adolescent , i saw some kids around a few years bigger than me playing marbles, it wasnt the game i played on the step, or rolling them around and pretending they were hurdles to my dinkys, it was a much fierce game, where winner takes the marbles of the loser, and winner was the one who kicked out the marbles of the other from a certain circle at a certain distance, supposidly there was skill required in throwing your marbles, thus it was a quest to gain the others marbles, so i thought perhaps marbles are not that redundant after all in life, like here we have ppl contesting for marbles, maybe marbles were of some use after all
i tried playing the game, but in the end i lost my marbles again...
for a long time afterwords i never saw a marbles let alone my own marbles, then one day i found my old marbles from a box when i was packing away my old toys, and i took my marbles in my hand and sat down to examine what my marbles made of , there was an interesting design live flowing lava inside the glass ball and i just held it close to my eye to find how come they dont have any hole when they put that little design inside the glass ball, then i carefully put away my marbles after not being able to find any clue as to how they were made
contesting for marbles or thorwing them down and retreviing them again became a thing of the past, a past long forgotten, buried within the dirt of memories, life became compilcated with each turn, attention become diverted in multitude of directions and the simplicity of the marbles was lost, perhaps marbles were important
for now, its raining outside heavily , dark invisible droplets falling out of the sky, somehow if i tilt my head and look between my half closed eyes they resemble marbles, millions of tiny soft marbles falling everywhere, seems i have not really lost all my marbles after all , maybe there are no marbles , just raindrops
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Labels: bakwas
Saturday, May 05, 2007
He woke up again sweating in the middle of the night, the alarm clock beside his bed was showing 4am. Shadows played around the room, and for a moment he tired to reach to her, to touch her hand like he always did whenever he wokeup from a nightmare, then it came back to him, there was no warm hand to touch, to take comfort from, there was no sound of soft breathing he was so accustomed to, her fragrance was not there anymore. He can no longer turn to his side and find her face smilling in her deep sleep, there was always a smile on her lips when she slept. He could no longer place his face beside her hair, taking in the smell of her, his fingers could no longer move in those curls. His nightmares were not new, him waking up at odd hours was not new, the only difference now was that once awake, he could no longer go back in his comfort zone by looking at her sleeping by his side.
He would never again see the wind playing through those hair, nor would the waves ever again fill in the small prints her feet made, the air would never again carry the perfume she loved to wear , nor would his eyes ever see her laugh at his jokes.
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Labels: poem-n-prose